Ierbarul Ioanei – healing herbs

Through Ioana’s herb garden, we discover that nature has a lot to offer. It is an invitation to get to know plants, to understand their benefits and to create a corner of nature in our own world.

Joan’s herbarium is not just a collection of dried plants; it is an archive of olfactory and visual memories. Each bouquet and each packet of herbs is carefully packaged, waiting to share their natural beauty with those who seek connection with the earth and with themselves.

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He inherited his passion for growing herbs from his grandmother, Ioana.

Together with her daughter, Mihaela picks only plants that she grows (marigold, thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary, Rosa Damascena roses, mint) or that they know very well and collect them from the fields of C.A.Rosetti, Buzău County (St. John’s wort, sage, mouse’s tail, wormwood, chamomile). Dry them in the shade and in the dark, in a bundle or thin layer, to preserve their properties and color.

Her Mamaia is gone, but she firmly believes that her passion for plants will keep her memory alive!


Address: Buzau, Romania
Website: Ierbarul Ioanei | Buzau | Buzau | Facebook | Facebook