Traditional products

Buzau red onion

In the Buzăului Valley, in Buzău County, there is a culinary treasure known as the “red onion of Buzău”. Thanks to the favourable climatic conditions of agriculture in this region, red onions have enjoyed a […]

Traditional products

Babic of Buzau

Babicul de Buzău is considered a delicacy among Romanian cold cuts, appreciated both in the region and beyond the country’s borders. It is distinguished by the high quality of the meat used and the blend […]

Traditional products

Buzau Pretzels

Buzau pretzels are one of Buzau’s emblems and are highly appreciated for their unmistakable flavour and crunchy texture. Steeped in history and tradition, the art of making pretzels in Buzau has been passed down from […]

Carnati Plescoi
Traditional products

Pleșcoi sausages

In the heart of the Pleșcoi region of Romania, there is a taste bud delight, a favourite of locals and visitors alike: Pleșcoi sausages. These delicious traditional sausages are renowned for their distinctive aroma and […]